The Draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to HDC and an independent outside body for a “Health Check”. Cowfold Parish Council took the feedback received into account in the production of the Plan prior to its approval on Monday 12thAugust.
The Pre-Submission Plan was out for Consultation from Monday 19thAugust 2019 to Monday 14thOctober 2019 in accordance with Regulation 14 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
The Public Consultation Period was subsequently extended from 12th November 2019 to Tuesday 24th December 2019.
The draft plan can be viewed here.
There are many supporting documents to the plan, these can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below:
Sustainability Assessment (SA/SEA)
Non-Technical Summary (SA/SEA)
Housing Needs Considerations Report
The nine Site Assessment Proformas can be accessed by clicking on the links below. Please note that only sites CNP01 and CNP03 have been selected for inclusion in the draft plan.
The Parish Council minutes and any comments recorded in relation to the Cowfold Neighbourhood Plan these can be accessed here.